
Donate ($2,055 raised) updated 12:10AM 

Support wear blue: run to remember!

Raised: $2,055
Contributors: 56

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  • 1.
    Sean Burgess $200
  • 2.
    Sean Serafin $150
  • 3.
    Milby Hartwell $125
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        Athletes (113) updated 12:10AM 

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              Recent Activity updated 12:10AM 

              This race ended 09/19/21 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

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                  This race ended 09/19/21 - check out the final activity here.

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                      About + Join

                      • From: Somerset County, PA
                      • To: The Pentagon
                      • Start date: September 11, 2021
                      • End date: September 19, 2021
                      • 0:00 EST
                      • 23:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 163 miles
                      • Total logged: 2,230.1 miles

                      Since its founding in 2010, wear blue: run to remember has dedicated itself to honoring our military families, the fighting and our fallen.  On Saturday, September 11th, a day bearing the weight of 20 years of service and sacrifice, you will join fellow USAA teammates in a challenge to Move for a Cause - a cause to remember the service and sacrifice of our military and the impact on a nation through active remembrance.  

                      This challenge creates a meaningful intersection between wear blue's weekly ritual of remembrance and our personal calling to honor the 2,996 men and women killed in the attacks in New York; Shanksville, Pennsylvania; and Washington DC; the 7,051 service members who have given their lives overseas since that day; and the hundreds of thousands of families who carried the weight of our nation’s longest war. Thank you for being a part of this community and specifically this challenge. 

                      #wearblueruntoremember #USAA #moveforacause
                      No mileage submitted yet.